I was honestly a little torn when I received the Maxine X Rox Bent Pink Graduate in the mail from Sex Toy.com, an adult sex toy store. I’d heard tons and tons of things from JonsBabydoll about how much she loved this little glass toy, but I’d never had much luck with g-spot toys (yes, they almost always hit, but it seems to take a lot of awkward positioning and work to attempt to find the right spot). I was seriously surprised when this slid perfectly into my g-spot without any effort and provided me with some sensation g-spot pleasure!
The Bent Pink Graduate is a gorgeous glass dildo made by Don Wands. It’s pink in color and is extremely smooth with a nice, sloping curve on one side and three glass bumps on the opposite side. It’s nice and slim with a diameter of 3/4 inch. It’s about eight inches in total with each individual side being about four inches of insertable length. The glass seems to be blown perfectly with no visible seams or cuts, and both ends of the wand end up being rounded and pleasurable.

The Maxine X Rox Bent Pink Graduate comes packaged in a plastic container with the Bent Pink Graduate sitting outside of the nice soft storage pouch inside of the plastic. The plastic container includes care and cleaning instructions for the glass dildo which is refreshing to see – not everyone will know the safety involved with a glass sex toy. The kit also comes with a sample pack of Wet Platinum lubricant which is honestly my silicone lubricant of choice, so I’d highly recommend it. The included storage pouch is really nice and fluffy as well and will definitely protect my Bent Pink Graduate once I place it in there. It has a nice drawstring on the top to keep this g-spot nice and safe when I’m not using it. It’s honestly a little difficult to even feel the toy’s outline once its been placed into the confines of the pouch.

So about the glass dildo itself – I’m in love! Seriously. It was extremely easy to slip in in with minimal lubricant. Honestly, with how small in diameter it is, I’d say you don’t even need to use lubricant if you are aroused. Lubricant doesn’t hurt though, and since it’s glass, the lube won’t absorb into the toy which leaves you with all of the fun to play with. Despite there being a curve on the dildo, I honestly found no problem with inserting it at all. Just don’t try and insert it like it’s straight – let it curve with your body. The three bulbs on the opposite end of the sex toy actually served as a nice “texture” point that allowed my hand to keep hold of the dildo as well even though it was lubed up. With too much lubricant though, I could see the need to wipe it down before you’d be able to hold the thing.
From there, it’s actually extremely easy to use. Like I said, it seriously just went straight to my g-spot without any awkward angling or attempts to find my g-spot. It was just there. It seems to work best when I pushed down a bit on the toy then pushed it in to deliver some really great targeted g-spot pleasure. Pushing down really seems to help with my anatomy and everything, but you may find that something else works better for you. I didn’t find that thrusting with the g-spot end honestly did anything, but if you like it, go ahead. I found that that small pushes for targeted g-spot pleasure worked best. Really though – I’m impressed. No squirting or anything, but it’s still something that may be attainable in the future with this g-spot toy.

The other end is one I don’t like so much. I’m not much into textured sex toys – especially not ones with bulbs, so it just didn’t work quite as well. After playing with the g-spot end, though, I’m honestly not surprised. It would have taken quite a bit to out-do the g-spot end. The bulbed end does work great as the handle to get a good grip though.
One of the favorite things of glass sex toy users always seems to be the ability to use temperature play with the sex toy. I didn’t do it in particular with this one, but I do know it’s possible and easy to do. Just put it in water with the temperature you’d like the toy to take. After being in the water for awhile, when you pull it out, your sex toy is going to have taken the temperature just for your own personal play.
Since the Bent Pink Graduate is made from glass, it’s compatible with both water-based and silicone-based lubricant. It can be cleaned with antibacterial soap and warm water each time you want to play with it. To protect the sex toy, I recommend keeping it in its storage pouch. It seems to work best. Make sure to check over your Bent Pink Graduate before each use to see if there are any scratches or chips on it. If so, don’t use it.
So, this and my NJoy Purewand now stand neck-in-neck for my favorite g-spot toy. The Purewand can be pleasurable but is just harder to insert and is much heavier. The Bent Pink Graduate costs less, is easier to insert, and seems to be easier to manuever as well. I’m honestly in love with this glass dildo, and it’s going to stay out on the bedroom shelf instead of going into storage. It’s highly, highly, highly recommended. I’m surprised I love is so much, but I do. It just fits my anatomy perfectly. However, I will mention that, if you love large girth and size, this one does have that small diameter, so it may not please you and your own anatomy. But for me, this is a downright god-send, and I love it. SexToy.com sent me this glass g-spot toy for review, so go purchase the Maxine X Rox Bent Pink Graduate today. If you just want the sex toy itself and not the storage bag, you can purchase the Bent Pink Graduate on its own. They also carry a large selection of vibrators and sex toys.