The Pink Plush Heart Paddle is a paddle made by GrrlToyz and sold by Twisted-Miss Sex Toys for impact play. It feels like a piece of plastic that has been covered in some faux leather and decorated with rivets and some little plastic heart designs near the top. The handle of the paddle also includes a little faux leather loop that allows you to hang the paddle for storage. The paddle is about a foot long and has about three inches of width to it at the widest point. The handle is rounded and the tip of the paddle does come to a little “tip” at the point, but it doesn’t really affect usage at all.
The paddle comes in a basic plastic box like most sex toys do. It says it is sold as novelty only, and the packaging actually ends up being pretty cute, so I’m fond of it. I don’t think I’d recommend storing the paddle in the packaging though – it could get a bit of a pain to take the paddle out, and honestly, the paddle doesn’t really need that plastic protection.
The paddle seems of decent quality. The materials aren’t the highest quality, but with what materials they’ve used, it seems like they’ve taken the time to actually make them stick together. Like stated earlier, I feel like the “base” of this paddle is most likely plastic with some heart designs on the plastic. From there, two pieces of faux leather were sewn around the body of the plastic on each side. From there, the sides were most likely cut and glued so become really nice and soft. It looks like the rivets on the bottom-half of the paddle were added for support as well as decoration since the stitches don’t continue into the handle of the paddle – just the rivets do.
The handle is pretty comfortable to hold in my hands. If held for long periods of time, I could see how the handle could start to cut into the skin of your palm, but really, for the most part, I had no problem at all keeping it held in my hand. It felt natural there and was easy to swing since it’s pretty light-weight. If you are holding it tightly, though, you can expect the rivets to make some cute little markings on your hand. The hanging strap doesn’t get in the way during use either.
So how does it feel? I will say that, despite the name, this paddle honestly has virtually no plush on it at all. It’s pretty much faux leather up against some plastic. Because of that, this really is a sharp paddle. Unless used extremely softly, this paddle will leave a sting when hit up against the skin – especially since the little hearts stick out from the paddle itself. If used with any sort of force, do expect the paddle to actually produce a stinging on the skin of your partner – it’s not a bad thing, but it’s what it was designed to do.
Because of how stingy this paddle is, it should only be used on fleshier body parts like the butt or the back of the thighs. I wouldn’t recommend hitting anyone with this near a joint. If hit hard enough it does leave the little heart imprints in the skin, but it doesn’t leave them for too long. If hit repeatedly, the skin will flush with a warm, red color as well which is something to consider. Really, though, this can be used softly for beginners to play with, and if used softly, it won’t hurt at all, but if used with any sort of force, it will cause a stinging sensation which may take the fun out of the toy for some couples. Jor enjoys pain, and being hit with this thing with moderate force makes him whine. Again, though, it’s really up to the individual person as to whether this paddle is a good choice for them or not. We found it a little too stingy for most of our play, but if we were to warm him up and work to a stingier/harder play session, this would be a good choice as a paddle.
I wouldn’t recommend getting this near bodily fluids, but if you do, keep it fluid bonded to the person that it was used with since this is porous. For regular cleaning, you can wipe it down with a damp washcloth, but make sure to leave it out to dry to avoid hurting the faux leather.
Really, in conclusion, I’d recommend this paddle, but only if you are looking for something that will provide a sting. This isn’t really friendly for those couples who are just looking for something for play – this one definitely hurts. However, it does seem to be well-made, and if you are looking for a stingy, rough play session, this will fit the bill.